
Overview of release notes that shows you what’s changed, improved, and fixed. Stay updated on each version to make sure you’re using the latest improved features.

New Release V5.xx.x - October 2023


  • [NEW] Added delivery person option in shipments

  • [NEW] Sell custom fields can be added to the invoice

  • [NEW] Product custom fields are shown in the product preview.

  • [NEW] Added 20 custom fields for products along with type selectors like text, date picker & dropdown.

  • [NEW] Selling price group type can be either Fixed Or Percentage.

  • [NEW] Updating product prices from Excel sheet.

  • [NEW] Success and error message sound is enhanced.

  • [NEW] Option to choose required variation values in add/edit variable product.

  • [NEW] Letterhead image option in invoice layout.

  • [NEW] Link added to the stock report to view product stock history.

  • [NEW] ‘Is required’ option for product image. Make it required from Business Settings > Product > Make image required

  • [NEW] Copy quotation option. (Sell > List Quotation > Action > Copy Quotation).


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Delivery person added in POS add/edit screen in shipping modal

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Delivery person added in Add/Edit sales screen near shipping fields.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Autofocus select2 option added dropdown search fields.


  • [FIX] Fixed 500 error in /pos screen

  • [FIX] The issue in the view product is fixed.

  • [FIX] The email field is required in the register form.

  • [FIX] The Blank message issue in the reset password is fixed.

  • [FIX] Woocommerce-related issue from POS.

  • [FIX] Tables and Modifiers screen issue fixed.

  • [FIX] “There is no active transaction” issue during Install/update fixed.

  • [FIX] Invoice scheme and layout dropdown in pos screen autoselect issue fixed

  • [FIX] Ledger advance balance and balance due issue fixed.

  • [FIX] Total due not showing correctly after adding ledger discount in Ledger format 2 issue fixed.

  • [FIX] Selling price made hidden in view/print purchase

  • [FIX] The line break CSS issue in the delivery note fixed.

  • [FIX] The home page chart legend getting overlapped with the context button issue is fixed.

  • [FIX] The currency formatting issue on the print data table in multiple reports issue is fixed.

  • [FIX] The cash register not getting updated after deleting an expense issue is fixed.

New Release V4.7.7 & After - March 2022


  • [NEW] Ledger format added with much more details

  • [NEW] Service Staff status modal added in POS screen

  • [NEW] Delivery slip print option in list sales.

  • [NEW] Currency precision and quantity precision moved from config to business settings

  • [NEW] Added option to download PDF for Purchase Order

  • [NEW] Added notification option in the purchase order

  • [NEW] Previous unit price added to the product line of sell and purchase

  • [NEW] Search option added to account book and cash flow

  • [NEW] Export all products in Excel format, with complete details

  • [NEW] Product sold details table added to cash register modal

  • [NEW] Cash denomination option in add/edit sale purchase screen

  • [NEW] Second unit added to add/edit product also an option to add quantity in the second unit added to purchase/sell (Need to enable it from Business settings > Products)

  • [NEW] Option to add ledger discount on view contact details page

  • [NEW] Simplified ledger format added (Format 2)

  • [NEW] Location filter added to the ledger


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed quantity check for Drafts & Quotations invoices

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to display the description in the invoice (Enable from Invoice layout -> Add/Edit -> Product description)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Displayed email in view sales

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Delete font size increased

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Displayed SKU in add/edit/view stock transfer

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Total purchase return paid and total sell payment paid displayed on the dashboard

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Custom Views added to backup

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Row color change for alert quantity added to stock report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Location filter added to dashboard stock alert table

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed stock check for draft and quotation

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Subcategory added to list expenses

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Total items added to invoice

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Category and custom fields columns added to stock report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Contact name and business name added product stock history

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Contact filter in tax report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Payment method and payment details added to cashflow and account book

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Child payment details and total advance amount displayed if the advance payment on cash flow and account book

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Hide advance payment if the advance payment remaining is zero on cashflow and account book

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Lot number added to item report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Display the discounted price on the invoice (need to enter discounted unit price label: in invoice layout)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Displayed unit breakdown shown on invoices (need to check show base unit details in invoice layout)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Line break for product description preserved in invoice print


  • [FIX] Subtotal issue on invoice fixed

  • [FIX] Cash denomination error on add/edit sale/purchase fixed

  • [FIX] Ledger last financial year due and current financial year opening balance mismatch issue fixed

  • [FIX] Delete category permission issue fix

  • [FIX] Pay term with pos sale issue fixed

  • [FIX] Update variable product with too many variations issue fixed

  • [FIX] Dropzone issue on import purchase product fixed

  • [FIX] Ledger location filter issue fixed

  • [FIX] Sales order line not getting added while stock is zero issues fixed

  • [FIX] Fix for media upload(Image upload for products)

  • [FIX] Edit POS showing warranty dropdown twice issue fixed

  • [FIX] Label print issue when printed from list products fixed

  • [FIX] Quick add supplier/customer from sale and purchase screen not displaying business name issue fixed

  • [FIX] HTML link URL issue on print invoice fixed

  • [FIX] Add payment form validation issue fixed

New Release V4.xx.x - December 2021


  • [NEW] Price group selection option added to print label form

  • [NEW] Download image from URL implemented in import products

  • [NEW] Custom field tags added to notification templates

  • [NEW] Location permission check on product list stock added

  • [NEW] Out-of-stock check removed from sales order

  • [NEW] Subcategory option in add expense

  • [NEW] Import purchase products in the xls file

  • [NEW] Added option to add date & notes when adding opening stock.

  • [NEW] Filters added in List Customers & List suppliers

  • [NEW] Added unit selection option in stock transfer

  • [NEW] Location dropdown filter added to dashboard data tables

  • [NEW] Commission agent required in add sales option added to settings

  • [NEW] duplicate check for the mobile number on add/edit contact form added

  • [NEW] invoice font color changed to black

  • [NEW] Displayed customer due on selecting customer in add/edit pos & sale

  • [NEW] Separate permissions for add, edit, and delete for sell and purchase payments

  • [NEW] Edit account opening balance, fund transfer, deposits

  • [NEW] Permissions for edit and delete account transactions

  • [NEW] Footer total added to account book, accounts list, and cashflow

  • [NEW] Sales order heading in invoice layout settings

  • [NEW] Location name added to invoice QR code

  • [NEW] Additional expenses in Sell add/edit/view and in profit loss report

  • [NEW] Permission for export button in data tables added

  • [NEW] Edit account transaction from account book form improvements added, primary account selection in deposit and transfer form

  • [NEW] Added tax summary option in invoice layout

  • [NEW] Size option in label printing.

  • [NEW] Pending shipments added to the dashboard

  • [NEW] Add expense from the pos screen

  • [NEW] Payment edit option in edit sale

  • [NEW] In the product sell report added sales by category and brand

  • [NEW] In the dashboard replace the pre-defined date to date range picker.

  • [NEW] Commission calculation types added: 2 types (Invoice value & Payment received). Related changes in the sales representative report and payroll commission calculation changed

  • [NEW] Option to display commission agent name in invoice layout.

  • [NEW] Option to change proforma invoice heading in invoice layout

  • [NEW] Purchase custom fields added

  • [NEW] Additional expenses fields added to purchase & purchase order

  • [NEW] Line discount displayed in invoice. Need to enable from Invoice layout.

  • [NEW] New layout for ledger as per accounting format.

  • [NEW] Purchase order feature

  • [NEW] Sales order feature

  • [NEW] Search product by custom fields in the POS & Sales screen.

  • [NEW] Separate page for Activity log, only visible to the admin role. (Reports -> Activity Log)

  • [NEW] Cash register denominations feature added

  • [NEW] Activity log for sell, purchase, shipping, sell return, purchase return, contacts, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, todos, login, logout, purchase & sales notification, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, and todos

  • [NEW] Internet connection Online/Offline status indicator

  • [NEW] Disable Ajax call and form submission on offline mode.

  • [NEW] Option for proforma invoice

  • [NEW] Business name displayed with the contact name in sale/draft list and reports

  • [NEW] Show customer address on sales add/edit

  • [NEW] Show supplier address on purchase add/edit

  • [NEW] Sell custom fields

  • [NEW] Permission to delete direct sell

  • [NEW] Document upload option in add sales

  • [NEW] Custom fields in Shipping

  • [NEW] Upload shipping documents in shipping.

  • [NEW] Product brochure upload option in add/edit product.

  • [NEW] Number to word format in invoice Indian format option

  • [NEW] Pay button added to dashboard sell/purchase payment due table

  • [NEW] Cron job command for backup clean

  • [NEW] Permission for commission agent sell and shipment

  • [NEW] 4 new custom payments added.

  • [NEW] Show the price of products in the tooltip in the POS screen product suggestion.

  • [NEW] Option to set default credit limit while adding customer

  • [NEW] Selling price group linked to the customer group

  • [NEW] Permission to print invoice added


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Autoupdate pos header DateTime in every minute

  • [IMPROVEMENT] QR code removed from draft and quotation

  • [IMPROVEMENT] SKU added to the product name on trending products

  • [IMPROVEMENT] In add/edit product purchase price auto-calculated when the selling price is entered.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Invoice label improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] The cashflow date order changed

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Pos screen totals getting hidden on mobile screen fixed

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added Search by SKU in profit loss by product table

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add expense permission check added to pos and add permission button

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Many new permissions were added & improved in add/edit roles.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Check added to not allow change admin role if one admin is present in the business.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] SKU added to stock alert and stock expiry alert on the dashboard

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Account book slow loading optimized.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Profit loss report optimized

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Account list data table query optimized

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Sell details calculation for the dashboard and balance sheet optimized

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Cashflow loading optimized

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Ajax-based contact dropdown implemented on add/edit user form

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Contact list filters added

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Line taxes added to view sale

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Customer supplier report search by business name added

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Customer group filter added to product sell report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Item description column added to Items Report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Payment method added to tax report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] SKU editable in add/edit products

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Shipping notes and shipping-related activities added to edit the shipping modal

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Line discount added to invoices

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Sales representative commission calculation changes. (Remove tax shipping etc from commission)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Prefix added for year-type invoice scheme


  • [FIX] QR code time issue in ZATCA (Fatoora) format

  • [FIX] Commission agent dropdown reset issue on the POS screen

  • [FIX] Payment view currency format issue fixed

  • [FIX] External invoice URL issue with location print setting fixed

  • [FIX] Business address not showing issue by disabling business name and locations in some invoice layouts fixed

  • [FIX] Datatable translation issue fixed

  • [FIX] Product view stock not showing issue fixed

  • [FIX] Sales return permission

  • [FIX] Discount issue on import sale

  • [FIX] Combo product issue on cash register

  • [FIX] Combo product issue on profit loss report

  • [FIX] Combo product issue on product sell report

  • [FIX] Fixed discount issue with combo product

  • [FIX] Edit/Delete permission in recent transactions modal in the POS screen

  • [FIX] Shipping charge in stock transfer.

  • [FIX] Export buttons in data table permission fixes.

  • [FIX] If the selected contact is enabled, the contact list will show only the selected contacts.

  • [FIX] Stock report print decimal issue fixed

  • [FIX] Address format in invoices improved

  • [FIX] lang invoice in invoice URL issue fixed

  • [FIX] Stock report, not loading issue

  • [FIX] Edit product price and discount from sales screen permission on the sale screen

  • [FIX] Lot number not showing on view stock adjustment

  • [FIX] Product history not showing ingredients used in production

  • [FIX] Account book balance

  • [FIX] Purchase return view modal

  • [FIX] Purchase return contact name not showing

  • [FIX] Trial balance and cash flow debit credit

  • [FIX] Sell return issue with QRcode fixed

  • [FIX] Submit button and scroll to top link overlap issue fixed in some forms

  • [FIX] Opening balance logic changes in customer/supplier ledger

  • [FIX] Cash register sale total issue when previous sales date is selected.

  • [FIX] Minimum sell price validation added in add sale (now works same as POS sales)

  • [FIX] Import contact business name when customer fixed.

  • [FIX] Payment account debit credit sides swapped

  • [FIX] Convert draft to final exception handling issue fixed

  • [Fix] Stock expiry report quantity issue

  • [Fix] RTL issue in slim2 invoice layout fixed

  • [Fix] Product expiry related issue fixed

  • [Fix] Removed – Purchase order getting added in opening-closing stock

  • [Fix] decimal point issue at some places fixed

  • [Fix] expense list print number format

  • [Fix] Cash register report total calculation

  • [Fix] Currency symbol issue in ledger pdf

  • [Fix] Import product opening stock fix

  • [Fix] Customer/Supplier Ledger issue

  • [Fix] Product history not showing purchase return

  • [Fix] Warranty & Expiry date not showing add sales

  • [Fix] Double customer name removed from invoices

  • [Fix] Multiple permission fixes

  • [Fix] Sell table footer total sell return due

  • [Fix] Discount permission.

  • [Fix] Edit combo product issue on edit sell,

  • [Fix] Update combo product stock issue

  • [Fix] Custom label issue for types of service,

  • [Fix] Minimum selling price validation issue on sale form

  • [Fix] Edit expense

  • [Fix] Profit loss report end date issue

  • [Fix] pl report by invoice first-row empty issue fixed

  • [Fix] Word break issue on invoice

  • [Fix] Account book showing deleted contact pay amount issue

  • [Fix] Refresh contact payment on deleting payment implemented

  • [Fix] Customer Group filter

  • [Fix] Autosend notification error suppressed,

  • [Fix] Deleting expense refund fixed

  • [Fix] Account link from advance payment removed

  • [Fix] Product stock history quantity calculation

  • [Fix] Gross profit fixed on profit loss report group by invoice

New Release V3.xx.x - December 2020


  • [NEW] Option for proforma invoice

  • [NEW] Activity log for sell, purchase, shipping, sell return, purchase return, contacts, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, todos, login, logout, purchase & sales notification, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, and todos

  • [NEW] Business name displayed with the contact name in sale/draft list and reports

  • [NEW] Show customer address on sales add/edit

  • [NEW] Show supplier address on purchase add/edit

  • [NEW] Sell custom fields

  • [NEW] Permission to delete direct sell

  • [NEW] Document upload option in add sales

  • [NEW] Custom fields in Shipping

  • [NEW] Upload shipping documents in shipping.

  • [NEW] Product brochure upload option in add/edit product.

  • [NEW] Number to word format in invoice Indian format option

  • [NEW] Pay button added to dashboard sell/purchase payment due table

  • [NEW] Permission for commission agent sell and shipment

  • [NEW] Product History, view details stock history of a product

  • [NEW] Added DateTime picker in Add/edit Sales, expenses, purchases payments

  • [NEW] Added location dropdown in pos, so the location can be changed from pos directly.

  • [NEW] Shipping status filter added to sell list

  • [NEW] Location-based tags added to notification templates

  • [NEW] Time range filter added to product sell report

  • [NEW] Toaster notification timeout reduced

  • [NEW] Pos default payment set to cash.

  • [NEW] Sell return permission

  • [NEW] Default Round off-label added.

  • [NEW] Permission added for View & Close cash register

  • [NEW] New option “For tax group only” added in add/edit tax

  • [NEW] Tax with 0% marked as “Exempt” on classic invoice

  • [NEW] In invoices, the total amount can be displayed in words. Need to enable it from Invoice Layout.

  • [NEW] Print invoice on suspending option added to pos settings

  • [NEW] Added company name in add/edit customer

  • [NEW] Added 6 more custom fields in customer & suppliers

  • [NEW] New invoice layout, Slim2

  • [NEW] In discount adding options to select multiple products.

  • [NEW] Printing of Stock adjustment

  • [NEW] Printing of Stock transfer

  • [NEW] URL for Quotations

  • [NEW] Sending of Quotations notification.

  • [NEW] Added 2 different layout selection options for POS & Added sales in add/edit business location.

  • [NEW] Advance payment to customer & Supplier.

  • [NEW] Custom views, this will make the managing of view file changes easy, you can easily override any view files

  • [NEW] Search with variations SKU of products on the products list

  • [NEW] Serial number for drafts with prefix option.

  • [NEW] Status in Stock transfer

  • [NEW] Edit stock transfer

  • [NEW] Page leave confirmations added to many screens to avoid loss of data

  • [NEW] Invoice scheme dropdown added to pos screen

  • [NEW] Recurring expenses

  • [NEW] Permission to view product stock value-added

  • [NEW] Get stock value by selling price and purchase price.

  • [NEW] Get potential profit for stock in the stock reports.

  • [NEW] Give the same price to all variance of variable products at once.

  • [NEW] Date range filter added to cash register report

  • [NEW] Hide price option on a slim invoice added for the gift receipt.

  • [NEW] Option to select invoice layout in the POS screen

  • [NEW] User max sale discount,

  • [NEW] Import sales from Excel sheet (beta)

  • [NEW] Featured products in the POS screen for frequently used products.

  • [NEW] Permissions added for Access printers, Access Tables, Access types of service, access package Subscription,

  • [NEW] Label weighing scale integration.

  • [NEW] Rounding mechanism added to sell screen.

  • [NEW] Customer/Supplier ledger improved, with the option to send the ledger as an attachment in an email or download it as a PDF.

  • [NEW] Notification template tags updated with more tags.

  • [NEW] CC and BCC added to email notification.

  • [NEW] Send email notifications to multiple recipients implemented with comma-separated emails.

  • [NEW] Expense displayed in the home

  • [NEW] Total quantity added to invoice

  • [NEW] Document & note implemented in customer, supplier, user.

  • [NEW] Scroll to the top button added

  • [NEW] Added settings to enable/disable “Purchase”, “Add Sale”, ” POS”, “Stock Transfers”, “Stock Adjustment”, “Expenses”. Go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Modules to enable/disable it.

  • [NEW] Added document upload type restrictions.

  • [NEW] In Sales screen – added “Save & Print” button


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Discount permission.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Product description on invoice design improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Contact payment summary removed from view contact

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Sorting brand and category dropdown alphabetically implemented

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Stock transfer list sorting improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] POS screen mobile responsive improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Printing of label improvements to make it print much better.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Product description design improved in the invoice to make it distinguishable from the product name

  • [IMPROVEMENT] In invoices, the Packing charge is displayed

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Search by lot number fixed in the pos screen.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Ledger fixes

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Slim invoice design improvement

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Net profit formula changed

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Ledger improvements & fixes

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Sending of SMS improved, added setting for headers in SMS configuration

  • [IMPROVEMENT] https improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Walk-In-customer default credit set to 0

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Stock report displays stock by location, a location column is added. Previously it was showing the sum of stock from all locations. With this, it becomes easy to check the stock of a product in a different location

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Simplified Contact form. Added a More information button which displays many other fields.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Expenses can added for contact(customer/suppliers). “Expense for contact” field was added in the add/edit expense

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Inbuilt Twilio & Nexmo SMS configuration

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Kitchen and Orders page improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Left navigation bar design improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Spaces reduced in invoices

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Contact form improved: Added new field – Title, first name, middle name, last name, address line 1, address line 2, date of birth

  • [IMPROVEMENT] User max discount validation added for fixed-type discount

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Recurring invoice issue is fixed.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] The tax report improved to give details of input tax, output tax, and expense tax.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed POS screen reset on changing of price group.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Fixed height added to sell list

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Customer info added to slim invoice

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Show the current stock of products on the add purchase screen

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Due date removed from the invoice when the invoice is paid.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Custom field labels can be modified from Settings instead of doing it in the language files.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Customer custom fields displayed separate lines in detailed invoice design

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Payment details are added in the add expense screen.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Filter by business location in the dashboard, if multiple locations are present

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Date range picker filter in customer/supplier -> sales/purchases

  • [IMPROVEMENT] In the Product Sell Report added a detailed report with purchase line details.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added the SKU column to the Product Purchase Report & Sell report

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added lot number in product sell report if enabled.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] User view page design

  • [IMPROVEMENT] In the dashboard enabled export options for all tables.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to enable or disable login for a user

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Design changes for View Contact, Supplier, and View users to make it look better

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Design changes for suspended invoice modal: added delete button.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Show a lot number in the product sell report if enabled.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to Restore a Closed Account.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to filter products without a Business Location assigned

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Cash flow report improvement

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to show the balance of the account selected on every Payment Form. Uses the view payment account permission.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Option to Inactive/Activate a Price Group

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Delete suspended sales.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Filter transaction with no linked account

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Activate/Deactivate a customer

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Account Book description for expenses

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Attach a document/picture to a Fund Transfer

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Ledger fixed & design improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added 2 new permissions: “View own expense” & “View own purchase”

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Activate/Deactivate customer & suppliers

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Overall new design in the system.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] POS screen design improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] View contact improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] View user's page improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Slim invoice layout design improved.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Base selling price added to exported spreadsheet while exporting selling price groups

  • [IMPROVEMENT] The Date range filter is set to the current financial year in most of the places.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Filters added to draft list, quotation list, sell return list, shipments, and purchase return list


  • [FIX] Edit combo product issue on edit sell,

  • [FIX] Update combo product stock issue

  • [FIX] Custom label issue for types of service,

  • [FIX] Minimum selling price validation issue on sale form

  • [FIX] Edit expense

  • [FIX] Profit loss report end date issue

  • [FIX] pl report by invoice first-row empty issue fixed

  • [FIX] Word break issue on invoice

  • [FIX] Account book showing deleted contact pay amount issue

  • [FIX] Refresh contact payment on deleting payment implemented

  • [FIX] Customer Group filter

  • [FIX] Autosend notification error suppressed,

  • [FIX] Deleting expense refund fixed

  • [FIX] Barcode printing fix

  • [FIX] Profit loss report fixes & improvements

  • [FIX] Modifier quantity issue fixed

  • [FIX] Custom label fixes

  • [FIX] Expense not showing as per selected business location on dashboard issue fixed

  • [FIX] Feature product image not showing issue fixed

  • [FIX] Product add-on scan issue

  • [FIX] Credit limit issue on editing draft

  • [FIX] Custom payment type label issue fixed

  • [FIX] Import opening stock

  • [FIX] Slim invoice tax

  • [FIX] View customer sales tab not showing all sales

  • [FIX] Cash register fixes

  • [FIX] Booking permission fixes

  • [FIX] Weighing scale product search issue

  • [FIX] User max discount issue fixed

  • [FIX] Category dropdown issue fixed

  • [FIX] Black theme color issues fixed, bg color from module names removed on side menu

  • [FIX] Profit & loss report shipping charge for the sales issue.

  • [FIX] POS screen payment issue sometimes.

  • [FIX] Stock adjustment deducting from sales

  • [FIX] Total sold issue in the stock report if multiple locations are enabled.

  • [FIX] Credit limit issue in customer.

  • [FIX] Credit sales issue fixes

  • [FIX] Terms and conditions not getting displayed.

  • [FIX] Edit pos screen customer changing to walk-in-customer

  • [FIX] Booking undefined error

  • [FIX] Invoice Slim layout fix

  • [FIX] View sales total remaining miscalculation.

  • [FIX] Modifier issue fixed.

  • [FIX] Barcode Issue: Unsupported SKU ID for the selected barcode type

  • [FIX] POS screen product suggestions disable option.

  • [FIX] Edit contact credit limit formatting

  • [FIX] Invoice all amount texts indented to the right

  • [FIX] Contact opening balance irregularities on editing contact.

  • [FIX] Profit loss report fixed for disabled stock management products.

New Release V2.xx.x - November 2019


  • [NEW] Payment Accounts, Related Reports & Features.

  • [NEW] Subscriptions:

  • [NEW] Multiple units of a product. (For example: purchase in Box and sell in pieces):

  • [NEW] Invoice external URL:

  • [NEW] Show the total due amount of a customer in the invoice: To display the total due amount of a customer, meaning it will show the sum of all due invoices for a customer an invoice. You can enable it from the invoice layout by checking the show total balance due (All sales) & also add the label for it.

  • [NEW] Filters in List Purchases, Sales, Products

  • [NEW] Show available stock on the product search dropdown in the POS screen

  • [NEW] Display opening balance on reports and contact details page

  • [NEW] Activate/Deactivate products on the product list.

  • [NEW] Decimal Precision for currency (number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)

  • [NEW] Decimal precision for Quantity;(number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)

  • [NEW] Service Staff can be selected for each line in sales, Related changes in the service staff report & added on the orders screen.

  • [NEW] Print invoice button in recent transactions in the POS screen.

  • [NEW] Discounts by category, brands, and start-end day.

  • [NEW] Gross Profit in Profit & Loss report.

  • [NEW] Stock report added to the product list page.

  • [NEW] Product list: Show the price of the product and the price range of its variable product. Also, the total stock is displayed in the list of products.

  • [NEW] Quick add product from a direct sale.

  • [NEW] Add purchase return from all purchases of a supplier (no need to select any particular purchase invoice)

  • [NEW] Print packing slip

  • [NEW] Product image display in the invoice by enabling it in the invoice layout

  • [NEW] Show custom fields on the contact details page

  • [NEW] Customer Reward Point, increase customer loyalty by offering them reward points.

  • [NEW] Customer/Supplier ledger.

  • [NEW] Bulk edit multiple products at one time.

  • [NEW] Display customer reward points in the invoice.

  • [NEW] Mark a product as “Not for selling” in add/edit products

  • [NEW] Added Sub-Units in products, to select only the relevant units for selected units.

  • [NEW] Hide admin role from non-admin users while creating users

  • [NEW] “Not for sell” column added to import product

  • [NEW] Quick add a customer from the pos screen displayed custom fields

  • [NEW] Modifiers price reset when modifiers are removed

  • [NEW] More predefined ranges added to date range picker, Javascript language files updated

  • [NEW] Search settings implemented.

  • [NEW] Custom label for payment method added.

  • [NEW] Combo product

  • [NEW] Export all products selling price group price.

  • [NEW] Import all products selling price group price.

  • [NEW] Option to configure the data-table default page entries value (settings added to business settings -> system)

  • [NEW] Account type and subtype for accounts.

  • [NEW] Redesigning the Login & Registration page to make it look beautiful

  • [NEW] Test email and SMS configurations from the settings

  • [NEW] Enable selection of DateTime in the POS screen (Needs to be enabled from POS settings)

  • [NEW] Activate/Deactivate business location

  • [NEW] Types of service (like dine-in, 3rd party service, Parcel, Courier, etc) with the option to set different price groups for different services. Also, the type of service breakdown in view registers.

  • [NEW] Enable/Disable payment method from business location.

  • [NEW] Link payment methods to the payment account.

  • [NEW] Location-based products, choose the location where the product will be available. Also, bulk assigning of product locations.

  • [NEW] Credit sale button in the POS screen.

  • [NEW] Invoice design for Thermal printer for printing from browser to thermal printers.

  • [NEW] Product Warranty

  • [NEW] Price group option for locations added

  • [NEW] Location added to the cash register, now select the location of the cash register before opening the register.

  • [NEW] New status is overdue & Partially overdue for Sales & purchase invoices which extended the pay term date with a filter for filtering them.

  • [NEW] Profile picture or avatar for users to upload

  • [NEW] Add customer directly from the booking form


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Opening Stock Improvement

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Opening Balance for customer improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Query optimization & indexing for faster loading & searching.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Mobile number added to customer dropdown on POS screen

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Mass delete product messages improved

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Auto-refresh orders on the Kitchen and Orders page implemented with configurable refresh time.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Stock report improvement

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Disabling categories or brands also disables from POS screen products filter.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Profit & Loss report lots of improvements: Gross Profit, Profit By Category, Profit by Brands, Profit by date, Profit by Invoice, Profit by Day

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Printing of Barcode sticker improvements

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Location permission moved from roles to users.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Show contact details on the print ledger

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Converted all CSV to xls import for better compatibility

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Purchase screen default selling price changed to price including tax instead of excluding tax

  • [IMPROVEMENT] “Current Stock value” displayed in the stock report.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Opening balance due added to the customer all total due on the invoice

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Account deposit from field changed to optional in the deposit form

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Tax in expenses.

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Made the alert quantity field optional in the add product screen

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Displaying due date in invoices (Need to enable from invoice layout)

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Cash register total sales, cash sales, credit sales


  • [FIX] Deleting invoice doesn’t remove from cash register issue.

  • [FIX] Opening Stock issue when multiple locations.

  • [FIX] View product price display issue.

  • [FIX] Sale return deducted from Sales representative report, Customer due in the Balance sheet & tax report.

  • [FIX] Drafts and quotations in lines removed from product sell report.

  • [FIX] Submit alert issue on add/edit sale

  • [FIX] Transaction payment date issue fixed

  • [FIX] Logo issue in email notification fixed

  • [FIX] Data-table decimal number issue on print fixed, Label print decimal number issue fixed

  • [FIX] Stock expiry report fixes

  • [FIX] Miscellaneous fixes & improvements

  • [FIX] Account book same datetime transaction balance

  • [FIX] Profit & Loss report fixes and improvement

  • [FIX] Decimal stock sales fix

  • [FIX] Product Image sometimes not showing in POS & invoices.

  • [FIX] Cashflow balance

Initial Release V1.xx.x - February 2019

[Releasing] First initial release.

Last updated