How to register your business in KB CloudERP?

  1. Click on the register business link on the welcome page or you can click here.

  2. Registering a business involves multiple steps; Business Details, Tax details, and Owner details.

  3. Business Details: Fill out the relevant fields; select the appropriate currency & Time zone; click on Next. Time zones & Currency can be different for different registered businesses.

  4. Tax Details: You should fill out at least one Tax name and Tax number. Tax is like PAN/VAT which varies for different business types. Fill details & click on next.

  5. Owner Details: Provide asked details. Username & Password are used to login so make sure you remember them.

  6. The owner created during this registration will be the admin of the business. More admins can be added/edited/deleted from the user management section.

  7. Click on the register button and after successful registration, it will get redirected to the login screen.

  8. Now, log in with the owner username/password created by visiting this login page.

Last updated