How to do price update?

You can update your price of the already added products on the KB CloudERP in several ways, depending on how many products you want to update at once.

Method 1: Single Price Update

If you want to update or change the price of a single product you can simply

Go to List Products -> Find Product -> Actions -> Edit

Now go to the Default selling price at the bottom of the add product page,

There you will find the Inc.Tax or Exc.Tax based on the selling price tax type you have selected above,

Now change the price to the new price and click the update on the screenshot below.

Method 2: Bulk Edit

This method has very few steps like the first one but here you can select multiple products and using the bulk edit feature you can update the old price to the new one.

To update the price, simply

Go to List Products -> Select Products -> Bulk Edit -> Update the Selling Price -> Click Update

You can see the screenshot below for reference to know the steps to execute the same operation.

Method 3: Bulk Price Update with Excel

Prices of products can be edited in bulk using this feature if you have 100 of product price that needs to be updated.

Go toProducts -> Update Price, and

The Excel file contains the list of product names, SKUs, existing prices of products, and selling group prices (if available).

Update the prices of required products upload the file and click submit.


Make sure not to change any product name, SKU & headers

Last updated