Asset Module

  1. Add assets

  2. Track assets warranty

  3. Categorize assets

  4. Get details of asset counts

  5. Allocate assets to an employee or users

  6. Allocated/UnAllocated assets

  7. Revoke asset

  8. Asset maintenance

  9. Asset Return (coming soon)

  10. Asset history (coming soon)

Allocate Asset

Any asset can be allocated to a particular user.

Go to All Assets > Action > Allocate Asset and select the user name, quantity, and date period.

Click the save button.

The report on allocated assets is shown in the ‘Asset Allocated’ tab.

Asset Maintenance

Asset maintenance helps to maintain assets under repair or any kind of service related to it.

Any user who has been assigned an asset can send it for maintenance when required.

Sending it to maintenance will send an in-app notification & also an email notification if enabled to some of the selected recipients.

Sending assets for maintenance

If any asset is to be repaired or sent for maintenance purposes can be added here.

Go to All Assets > Action > Send Asset for Maintenance and provide the required details(attachments can also be attached). Click the save button.

The asset report added for maintenance is shown in the ‘Asset Maintenance ‘ tab.

The status of maintenance can be changed here using the edit option.

Asset Revoked

The assets allocated to users can be withdrawn or canceled for various reasons.

Go to Assets Allocated > Action > Revoke and provide the required details. Click the save button.

The report on revoked assets is shown in the ‘Asset Revoked’ tab.

Asset Categories

While adding an asset, it can be categorized under a category.

For example, assets like chairs, and tables can be added under the category of furniture assets or office assets.

Categories for assets can be added, edited, and deleted in this tab.

Asset Settings

Settings prefixes and notifications can be done under the settings tab.


Each of the assets has a code for reference. Also when assets are allocated, revoked, or added for maintenance, it is referred to with a code for easy identification.

The prefix for these codes can be set as required.

Prefixes can be set for Asset code, Allocation code, Revoke code, and Asset maintenance in the Settings > Prefix Tab

Last updated